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The Fitbit Data Parsers take JSON data provided by the study-hub and parse it into two formats.

  1. A human readable format that allows for use in either Microsoft Excel for clinical trial staff or querying in other languages.
  2. Structuring data so that it can be readily processed for future analyses.

Application Structure

The parser structure manages several functions so that it automatically parses data with minimal interaction on the user’s part.

A JSON file is first parsed by performs several functions. It structures the data into a tree and contains several methods to find omissions in data. allows for the output of data a user defines to the terminal.

The Parser module contains one class, Table(), initialized with the filepath of the JSON and contains two instance variables

Values Data Type Description
filepath Str File path of the JSON file
parsedTable pd.DataFrame The resulting DataFrame of the parsed JSON file
Table.filepath -> str # The filepath of the JSON file
Table.parsedTable -> pd.DataFrame # The resulting parsed table

To parse a JSON file:

from Parser import Table
fpath = ~/documents/V2/someJsonFile.json
table = Table(fpath)

Table() contains multiple methods to achieve the above:

Function Input Data Type Return Data Type Description
openJsonFile file Opens and reads the JSON file at Table.filepath.
parseJsonFile pd.DataFrame Parses a JSON file to a pandas DataFrame
createDataFrame pd.Series pd.DataFrame Creates a Pandas DataFrame from a dictionary
parseDataColumn pd.DataFrame [pd.DataFrame] Creates a DataFrame from dictionaries in a Pandas DataFrame
concatAndTransposeData pd.DataFrame Concatenates a list of dataframes
parseNameSpace str, str pd.DataFrame takes a regex string and searches for matches within the namespace column
namespaceBruteSearch list formats the namespace column using a reformatted regex string and self.parseNameSpace
getAllFrames pd.DataFrame Creates a human readable DataFrame
addFromBruteSearch pd.DataFrame concatenates reformatted namespace column
renameCol pd.DataFrame renames the Columns
Parameters Data Type Description
series pd.Series A regex string for pattern matching
Values Data Type Description
pd.DataFrame Creates a Pandas DataFrame from a dictionary
Parameters Data Type Description
dataToClean pd.DataFrame A regex string for pattern matching
Values Data Type Description
pd.DataFrame The resulting DataFrame from a list of dictionaries
Parameters Data Type Description
regex str A regex string for pattern matching
testString str The string to find matches in
Values Data Type Description
regex str A regex string for pattern matching
testString str The string to find matches in creates a tree of which no node is more than two steps away from the root node.

Two classes are contained in findOmissions MainData and SubData:


MainData has several instance variables containing information pertinent to the overview of the study:

Values Data Type Description
df pd.DataFrame The current DataFrame to be processed
surveyParticipants list A unique list of survey participants
arrayOfSubsetObjects list A list containing the SubData objects detailing each patient’s participation in the study
patientsToContact list deprecated


Function Input Data Type Return Data Type Description
_getJsonPath file Opens and reads the JSON file at Table.filepath.
_stringCleaning string string removes parenthesis
_convertTime string DateTime converts epoch to datetime
_newTable pd.DataFrame pd.DataFrame removes parenthesis in table
_getStartDates pd.DataFrame pd.DataFrame Returns time requested and time completed for each survey with ID as the pKey
_construct sets self.df using the return value from _getStartDates and sets self.surveyIDs as unique IDs
_getCondition deprecated
createTraversal self.arrayOfSubsetObjects Creates a SubData class for every participant ID
Parameters Data Type Description
stringToClean Str String containing extraneous parentheses.
Parameters Data Type Description
unixTime Str Time expressed in the number of seconds past Thursday, 1 January 1970, minus the number of leap seconds that have taken place since then

converts epochs in table.

Parameters Data Type Description
table pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing a parsed JSON file
Values Data Type Description
table pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame with UnixTime objects converted to DateTime

traverses over DataFrame and creates SubData objects for each participant ID

To set structure survey data:

From findOmissions import MainData
structure =  MainData()


SubData structures surveys, scoring, dates to complete, and each individuals enrollment date.

SubData’s instance variables:

Values Data Type Description
participantID Str ID of the Participant
df pd.DataFrame Data respective of the individual participant
uniqueSurveys pd.DataFrame Surveys of the participant
enrollmentDate [DateTime] Date of Enrollment for the participant
datesToCompleteSurveys [DateTime] Last possible date to complete survey respective of self.uniqueSurveys
self.contactPatient Bool True if staff to contact patient


Retrieves a list of the dates for each task presented

Parameters Data Type Description
question Str Survey or Task (‘psqi’, ‘vas’, ‘sibdq’, ‘sleep’)
requested Str time requested, default = requested, (‘completed’, ‘requested’)

Returns the dates of when individuals should receive survey tasks

Returns a tuple of DateTimes

Values Data Type Description
datesOfCompletion DateTime First possible date of completion of survey tasks
addWindow DateTime Last possible date of completion of survey tasks
Parameters Data Type Description
question Str Survey or Task (‘psqi’, ‘vas’, ‘sibdq’, ‘sleep’)
requested Str time requested, default = requested, (‘completed’, ‘requested’)
Values Data Type Description
participantID Str The ID of the Participant
completionDates list Dates of task completion
completionAfterDates list Dates of task completion after date range
nonCompletionDates list Last possible dates of completion for surveys not completed


As each individual’s raw surveys and enrollment date is accessible separately from others, surveys can be scored and accessed systematically.

Surveys and their dates are 0 indexed and are accessed separately. Should one want to correlate a survey with a date or tuples of dates, their indices are equivalent.

An example of calculating PSQIs

from findOmissions import MainData

data = MainData() # creating the MainData Object
data.createTraversal() # structuring the data
for subject in data.getSubsetData():
    print subject.participantID #prints an ID for the current participant
    print map (subject.scorePSQI, subject.uniqueSurveys) # prints an array of the PSQI scores

The Data Dashboard

The dashboard pulls all longitudinal data according to two lines of code:

import results
result = Results('#questionsToQuery')
result.output(values = False) # gives dates, defaults to true to give values

questions to query: * PSQI * SIBDQ * WongBaker * SubjectGlobalAssesmentVAS * SleepVas

The results query also does a rudimentary search. If the query is a substring in the question above, it will return a result. Careful use of this function is warranted, and it should be advised against unless the two questions have distinctly different characters.

The instance variables in the Results Class:

Values Data Type Description
IDs list List of all IDs in the study
Dates np.array dates of participant tasks
Values np.array values of participatn tasks
survey string string of task to retrieve results for

Performs all of the functions as above to format a CSV file as the output, either for date times or values.